1. Art. History, reference, theory
1. Kathleen Adler: Unknown Impressionists.
2. Sarane Alexandrian: Surrealist Art.
3. H. H. Arnason: History of Modern Art. Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Photography.
4. James Ayres: The Artist's Craft. A History of Tools, Techniques and Materials.
5. Kenneth Baker: Minimalism.
6. Oskar Bätschmann: Entfernung der Natur. Landschaftsmalerei 1750-1920.
7. Willy Baumeister: Das Unbekannte in der Kunst.
8. Fritz Baumgart: Geschichte der abendländischen Malerei von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart.
9. Germain Bazin: A Concise History of Art.
10. Germain Bazin: Baroque and Rococo.
11. Wendy Beckett: Contemporary Women Artists.
12. Ernst Benkard: Das Selbstbildnis vom 15. bis zum Beginn des 18. Jahrhunderts.
13. Ingvar Bergström: Den symboliska nejlikan i senmedeltidens och renässansens konst.
14. Marina Bessonova (introd.): Impressionist and Post-Impressionist Paintings in Soviet Museums.
15. Alan Bowness: Modern European Art.
16. Richard Brettell a. o.: A Day in the Country. Impressionism and the French Landscape.
17. Attilio Brilli: Reisen in Italien. Die Kulturgeschichte der klassischen Italienreise vom 16. bis 19. Jahrhundert.
18. David Britt (ed.): Modern Art. Impressionism to Post-Modernism.
19. Caroline Cass/ Tom Leighton (photography): Grand Illusions. Contemporary Interior Murals.
20. Riva Castleman (ed.)/ Guy Davenport (essay): Art of the Forties.
21. Whitney Chadwick: Women Artists and the Surrealist Movement.
22. Whitney Chadwick: Women, Art and Society.
23. Henry Chalfant/ James Prigoff: Spraycan Art.
24. J. C. Cooper: An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols.
25. Pierre Courthion: Impressionism. The Movement, the Masters, the Precursors and the Followers.
26. Robert L. Delevoy: Symbolists and Symbolism.
27. Bernard Denvir: The Thames and Hudson Encyclopaedia of Impressionism.
28. Muriel Emanuel a. o. (eds.): Contemporary Artists.
29. Edmund Burke Feldman: Varieties of Visual Experience.
30. Christopher Finch: Twentieth-Century Watercolors.
31. Kai Flor: Store Malere og deres Modeller.
32. Edward F. Fry: Cubism.
33. William Gaunt: The Impressionists.
34. Werner Gillon: A Short History of African Art.
35. Tony Godfrey: Drawing Today. Draughtsmen in the Eighties.
36. Tony Godfrey: The New Image. Painting in the 1980s.
37. Siegfried Gohr/ Johannes Gachnang (eds.): Bilderstreit. Widerspruch, Einheit und Fragment in der Kunst seit 1960.
38. E. H. Gombrich: The Story of Art.
39. E. H. Gombrich: The Story of Art.
40. E. H. Gombrich: The Story of Art.
41. E. H. Gombrich: Norm and Form. Studies in the Art of the Renaissance I.
42. E. H. Gombrich: Symbolic Images. Studies in the Art of the Renaissance II.
43. E. H. Gombrich: New Light on Old Masters. Studies in the Art of the Renaissance IV.
44. E. H. Gombrich: The Image and the Eye. Further studies in the psychology of pictorial representation.
45. E. H. Gombrich: Art and Illusion. A study in the psychology of pictorial representation.
46. E. H. Gombrich: Art and Illusion. A study in the psychology of pictorial representation.
47. E. H. Gombrich: The Sense of Order. A study in the psychology of decorative art.
48. E. H. Gombrich: The Sense of Order. A study in the psychology of decorative art.
49. E. H. Gombrich: Tributes. Interpreters of our cultural tradition.
50. E. H. Gombrich: Ideals and Idols. Essays on values in history and in art.
51. E. H. Gombrich: Meditations on a Hobby Horse, and other essays on the theory of art.
52. Cynthia Goodman: Digital Visions. Computers and Art.
53. Lawrence Grow: Architectural Painting.
54. Richard Hamann: Geschichte der Kunst. 2 vols.
55. George Heard Hamilton: Painting and Sculpture in Europe 1880-1940.
56. Frederick Hartt: Art. A History of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture.
57. Egbert Haverkamp-Begemann: Creative Copies. Interpretative Drawings from Michelangelo to Picasso.
58. Ian Hebblewhite: Artistsʼ Materials.
59. Nancy G. Heller: Women Artists. An Illustrated History.
60. V. M. Hillyer/ E. G. Huey/ M. G. Huisman: Lilla konsthistorien.
61. Hugh Honour: Romanticism.
62. Hugh Honour: Neo-Classicism.
63. Pontus Hultén (ed.): Futurism and Futurisms.
64. Sam Hunter/ John Jacobus: Modern Art. Painting, Sculpture, Architecture.
65. Michael Jacobs: The Good and Simple Life. Artist Colonies in Europe and America.
66. H. W. Janson: History of Art.
67. H. W. Janson: History of Art. A Survey of the Major Visual Arts from the Dawn of History to the Present Day.
68. Ekkehard Kaemmerling (ed.): Ikonographie und Ikonologie. Bildende Kunst als Zeichnensystem.
69. Raymond Keaveney: Views of Rome. From the Thomas Ashby Collection in the Vatican Library.
70. Diane Kelder: The Great Book of Post-Impressionism.
71. Harald Küppers: Harmonielehre der Farben. Theoretische Grundlagen der Farbgestaltung.
72. Harald Küppers: DuMontʼs Farben-Atlas. Über 5500 Farbnuancen mit Kennzeichnung und Mischanleitung.
73. Jean-Clarence Lambert: Cobra.
74. Klaus Lankheit: Revolution und Restauration 1785-1855.
75. Michael Levey: From Giotto to Cézanne. A Concise History of Painting.
76. Michael Levey: Rococo to Revolution. Major Trends in Eighteenth-Century Painting.
77. Jean Leymarie: Watercolors. From Dürer to Balthus.
78. Jean Leymarie: Fauves and Fauvism.
79. Jean Leymarie (introd.)/ Geneviève Monnier/ Bernice Rose: Drawing. History of an Art.
80. Alexander Liberman: The Artist in his Studio.
81. Lucy R. Lippard: Pop Art.
82. Marco Livingstone: Pop Art. A Continuing History.
83. Ide Løppenthin: Kunst og Stil. Introduktion til europæisk kunsthistorie.
84. Sven Lövgren/ Carlton Lake/ Robert Maillard (eds.): Rabén & Sjögrens lexikon över modern konst.
85. Edward Lucie-Smith: Movements in Art Since 1945.
86. Edward Lucie-Smith: Art in the Eighties.
87. Edward Lucie-Smith: Art of the 1930s. The Age of Anxiety.
88. Edward Lucie-Smith: Symbolist Art.
89. Edward Lucie-Smith: Art Deco Painting.
90. Edward Lucie-Smih: Art in the Seventies.
91. Edward Lucie-Smith: Art Today. From Abstract Expressionism to Superrealism.
92. Edward Lucie-Smith: The Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Art Terms.
93. Edward Lucie-Smith: The Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Art Terms.
94. Norbert Lynton: The Story of Modern Art.
95. Norbert Lynton: The Story of Modern Art.
96. Norbert Lynton: The Story of Modern Art.
97. Ken McCormick/ Hamilton Darby Perry (eds.): Images of War. The Artistʼs Vision of World War II.
98. Kenneth McLeish: The Penguin Companion to the Arts in the Twentieth Century.
99. Melissa McQuillan: Impressionist Portraits.
100. Kynaston McShine: An International Survey of Recent Painting and Sculpture.
101. Andrew Martindale: Gothic Art.
102. Miriam Milman: Trompe lʼOeil Painting. The illusions of reality.
103. Geneviève Monnier: Pastels. From the 16th to the 20th Century.
104. Anna Moszynska: Abstract Art.
105. Linda Murray: The High Renaissance and Mannerism. Italy, the North and Spain 1500-1600.
106. Peter Murray/ Linda Murray: The Penguin Dictionary of Art and Artists.
107. Peter Murray/ Linda Murray: The Art of the Renaissance.
108. Geraldine Norman: Biedermeier Painting, 1815-1848. Reality Observed in Genre, Portrait and Landscape.
109. Geraldine Norman: Nineteenth Century Painters and Painting. A Dictionary.
110. Gert von der Osten/ Horst Vey: Painting and Sculpture in Germany and the Netherlands 1500-1600.
111. Alexandre Papadopoulo: Islam and Muslim Art.
112. Phaidon Cultural Guide. Greece.
113. Gaëtan Picon: Surrealists and Surrealism.
114. Götz Pochat: Geschichte der Ästhetik und Kunsttheorie. Von der Antike bis zum 19. Jahrhundert.
115. Phoebe Pool: Impressionism.
116. Gerd Presler: LʼArt brut. Kunst zwischen Genialität und Wahnsinn.
117. Herbert Read (ed.): The Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Art and Artists.
118. Herbert Read (ed.): The Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Art and Artists.
119. Herbert Read: Modern Painting. A Concise History.
120. John Rewald: Studies in Impressionism.
121. John Rewald: Studies in Post-Impressionism.
122. John Rewald: Post-Impressionism. From van Gogh to Gauguin.
123. John Rewald: The History of Impressionism.
124. John Rewald: The History of Impressionism.
125. Graham Reynolds: Watercolours. A Concise History.
126. Hans Richter: Dada. Art and Anti-Art.
127. Hans Richter: Dada. Kunst und Antikunst. Der Beitrag Dadas zur Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts.
128. Horst Richter: Malerei der sechziger Jahre.
129. Robert Rosenblum: Cubism and Twentieth-Century Art.
130. Robert Rosenblum/ H. W. Janson: 19th-Century Art.
131. Robert Rosenblum: Modern Painting and the Northern Romantic Tradition. Friedrich to Rothko.
132. Robert Rosenblum: The Dog in Art from Rococo to Post-Modernism.
133. William Rubin: Picasso and Braque. Pioneering Cubism.
134. William Rubin (ed.): Picasso and Braque. A Symposium.
135. William Rubin (ed.): “Primitivism” in 20th Century Art. Affinity of the Tribal and the Modern.
136. John Russell: The Meanings of Modern Art.
137. Peter Selz: Art in Our Times. A Pictorial History 1890-1980.
138. John Shearman: Mannerism.
139. Robin Simon: The Portrait in Britain and America. With a biographical dictionary of portrait painters 1680-1914.
140. James Snyder: Northern Renaissance Art. Painting, Sculpture, the Graphic Arts from 1350 to 1575.
141. Nikos Stangos (ed.): Concepts of Modern Art.
142. Karin Thomas: Bis heute. Stilgeschichte der bildenden Kunst im 20. Jahrhundert.
143. Jack Tresidder (ed.): The Complete Dictionary of Symbols.
144. Maurice Tuchman a. o.: The Spiritual in Art. Abstract Painting 1890-1985.
145. Gerhard Ulrich: Kleine Geschichte der Malerei.
146. Kirk Varnedoe/ Adam Gopnik: High and Low. Modern Art and Popular Culture.
147. William Vaughan: Romantic Art.
148. VERVE. Michel Anthonioz: Verve. The Ultimate Review of Art and Literature (1937-1960).
149. Paul Vogt: Contemporary Painting.
150. John Walker: Portraits. 5000 Years.
151. Martin Warnke: Hof-Künstler. Zur Vorgeschichte des modernen Künstlers.
152. Hans Weigert (ed.): Kleine Kunstgeschichte Europas. Mittelalter und Neuzeit.
153. Gabriel P. Weisberg: Beyond Impressionism. The Natural Impuls in European Art 1860-1905.
154. Marit Werenskiold: The Concept of Expressionism. Origin and Metamorphoses.
155. Daniel Wheeler: Art Since Mid-Century. 1945 to the Present.
156. Frank Whitford: Expressionist Portraits.
157. Frank Whitford: Understanding Abstract Art.
158. Siegfried Wichmann: Japonisme. The Japanese Influence on Western Art since 1858.
159. Frank Willett: African Art.
160. Rudolf Wittkower: Allegory and the Migration of Symbols.
161. Richard Wollheim: Art and its Objects.
162. Richard Wollheim: Painting as an Art.
163. Gerald Woods a. o.: Art Without Boundaries 1950-70.
2. Prints, photography
1. Stuart Bennett: How to Buy Photographs.
2. C. D. B. Bryan: The National Geographic Society. 100 Years of Adventure and Discovery.
3. Riva Castleman: Prints of the Twentieth Century. A History.
4. E. Keble Chatterton: Old Ship Prints.
5. Walter Dohmen: Die Lithographie. Geschichte, Kunst, Technik.
6. Walter Dohmen: Die Tiefdruck. Vom Kupferstich bis zum Fotoradierung. Geschichte, Kunst, Technik.
7. Fritz Eichenberg: The Art of the Print. Masterpieces, History, Techniques.
8. Giuliano Ercoli: Art Deco Prints.
9. Bamber Gascoigne: How to Identify Prints. A complete guide to manual and mechanical processes from woodcut to ink-jet.
10. Helmut Gernsheim/ Alison Gernsheim: Fotografiens historie.
11. Wolfgang Hainke: Siebdruck. Technik, Praxis, Geschichte.
12. Jurgen v. Konow: Om grafik. Historia och teknik.
13. Colin Naylor (ed.): Contemporary Photographers.
14. Naomi Rosenblum: A World History of Photography.
15. Robert A. Sobieszek: The Art of Persuation. A History of Advertising Photography.
16. Carol Wax: The Mezzotint. History and Technique.
3. Sculpture
1. Dorothea Braby: The Way of Wood Engraving.
2. Bernard Ceysson a. o.: Sculpture. The great tradition of sculpture from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century.
3. Michael Forrest: Art Bronzes.
4. A. M. Hammacher: Modern Sculpture. Tradition and Innovation.
5. H. W. Janson: 19th-Century Sculpture.
6. Peter Lasko a. o.: Ivory. A History and Collectorʼs Guide.
7. Manfred Leithe-Jasper: Renaissance Master Bronzes. From the collection of the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna.
8. Edward Lucie-Smith: Sculpture since 1945.
9. Dona Z. Meilach: Contemporary Art with Wood. Creative techniques and appreciation.
10. Theodor Müller: Sculpture in the Netherlands, Germany, France and Spain 1400-1500.
11. Anthony Radcliffe: European Bronze Statuettes.
12. Herbert Read: Modern Sculpture. A Concise History.
13. Rudolf Wittkower: Sculpture.
4. Early art and architecture, archaeology
1. Cyril Aldred: Egyptian Art. In the Days of the Pharaohs 3100-320 BC.
2. Oscar Almgren: Nordische Felszeichnungen als religiöse Urkunden.
3. Pierre Amiet: Art of the Ancient Near East.
4. Bernard Andreae: The Art of Rome.
5. Ferdinand Anton: Art of the Maya.
6. John Beckwith: Early Christian and Byzantine Art.
7. John Beckwith: Early Christian and Byzantine Art.
8. John Beckwith: Early Medieval Art. Carolingian, Ottonian, Romanesque.
9. John Boardman: Athenian Black Figure Vases.
10. John Boardman: Athenian Red Figure Vases.The Archaic Period.
11. John Boardman: Greek Sculpture. The Archaic Period.
12. John Boardman: Greek Sculpture. The Classical Period.
13. Axel Boëthius: Etruscan and Early Roman Architecture.
14. Otto J. Brendel: Etruscan Art.
15. A. C. Carpiceci: Pompeii 2000 Years Ago.
16. George Coffey: The Bronze Age in Ireland.
17. Kenneth John Conant: Carolingian and Romanesque Architecture 800-1200.
18. R. M. Cook: Greek Art. Its Development, Character and Influence.
19. C. R. Dodwell: Painting in Europe 800-1200.
20. Richard Ettinghausen/ Oleg Grabar: The Art and Architecture of Islam 650-1250.
21. José Alcina Franch: Pre-Columbian Art.
22. Henri Frankfort: The Art and Architecture of the Ancient Orient.
23. Åke Fredsjö/ Sverker Janson/ Carl-Axel Moberg: Hällristningar i Sverige.
24. Sigurd Grieg: Vikingetiden i Norge.
25. Enrico Guidoni: Primitive Architecture.
26. Victor W. von Hagen: The Roads that Led to Rome.
27. Roland Hampe/ Erika Simon: The Birth of Greek Art. From the Mycenaean to the Archaic Period.
28. Reynold Higgins: Minoan and Mycenaean Art.
29. René Huyghe a. o.: Larousse Encyclopedia of Byzantine and Medieval Art.
30. Hans Kayser: Kleine Geschichte der Archäologie.
31. Ernst Kjellberg/ Gösta Säflund: Grekisk och romersk konst.
32. Richard Krautheimer: Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture.
33. George Kubler: The Art and Achitecture of Ancient America.
34. George Kubler: The Art and Architecture of Ancient America.
35. Peter Lasko: Ars Sacra 800-1200.
36. A. W. Lawrence: Greek Architecture.
37. A. W. Lawrence : Greek Architecture.
38. Sherman E. Lee: A History of Far Eastern Art.
39. Seton Lloyd/ Hans Wolfgang Müller: Ancient Architecture.
40. Amedeo Maiuri: Pompeii.
41. Cyril Mango: Byzantine Architecture.
42. David Meilsheim: The World of Ancient Israel.
43. Kazimierz Michalowski: Art of Ancient Egypt.
44. Mary Ellen Miller: The Art of Mesoamerica. From Olmec to Aztec.
45. William J. Murnane: The Penguin Guide to Ancient Egypt.
46. Gustaf Näsström: Forna dagars Sverige. Kulturhistorisk bilderbok om hedenhös och medeltid.
47. Åke Ohlmarks: Hällristningarnas gudar. En sammanställning och ett förklaringsförsök.
48. David Talbot Rice: Art of the Byzantine Era.
49. David Talbot Rice: Islamic Art.
50. Gisela Richter: A Handbook of Greek Art.
51. Claude Rolley: Greek Bronzes.
52. Johan Rönnby/ Jonathan Adams: Östersjöns sjunkna skepp.
53. N. K. Sandars: Prehistoric Art in Europe.
54. Karl Schefold: Griechische Kunst als religiöses Phänomen.
55. H. H. Scullard/ A. A. M. van der Heyden: Shorter Atlas of the Classical World.
56. Maja Sprenger/ Gilda Bartoloni: The Etruscans.
57. W. Stevenson Smith: The Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt.
58. W. Stevenson Smith: The Art and Achitecture of Ancient Egypt.
59. Donald Strong: Roman Art.
60. Donald Strong: Roman Art.
61. Bengt Thordeman (ed.): Vaaben.
62. J. B. Ward-Perkins: Roman Imperial Architecture.
63. Hans Weigert (ed.): Kleine Kunstgeschichte der Vorzeit und der Naturvölker.
64. Willy Zschietzschmann: Kleine Kunstgeschichte der Griechen und Römer.
5. American art
1. Milton W. Brown a. o.: American Art. Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Decorative Arts, Photography.
2. William H. Gerdts: American Impressionism.
3. Sam Hunter/ John Jacobus: American Art of the 20th Century. Painting, Sculpture, Architecture.
4. Samuel Isham: The History of American Painting.
5. Edward Lucie-Smith: American Art Now.
6. Ron Tyler a. o.: American Frontier Life. Early Western Painting and Prints.
7. John Wilmerding: American Marine Painting.
6. British and Irish art
1. Bruce Arnold: A Concise History of Irish Art.
2. David Bindman (ed.): The Thames and Hudson Encyclopaedia of British Art.
3. Susan Compton (ed.): British Art in the 20th Century. The Modern Movement.
4. John Fairley: Great Racehorses in Art.
5. Christopher Frayling: The Royal College of Art. 150 Years of Art and Design.
6. William Gaunt: English Painting. A Concise History.
7. Rupert Gunnis: Dictionary of British Sculptors 1660-1851.
8. John Harris: The Artist and the Country House. A history of country house and garden view painting in Britain 1540-1870.
9. Paul Harris/ Julian Halsby: The Dictionary of Scottish Painters 1600-1960.
10. Andrew Hemingway: The Norwich School of Painters 1803-1833.
11. Alistair Hicks: The School of London. The Resurgence of Contemporary Painting.
12. Timothy Hilton: The Pre-Raphaelites.
13. Paul Huxley (ed.): Exhibition Road. Painters at the Royal College of Art.
14. Peter Kemp/ Richard Ormond: The Great Age of Sail. Maritime Art and Photography.
15. Edward Lucie-Smith/ Carolyn Cohen/ Judith Higgins: The New British Painting.
16. Kenneth McConkey: British Impressionism.
17. Duncan Macmillan: Painting in Scotland. The Golden Age.
18. Christopher Newall: Victorian Watercolours.
19. Phaidon Cultural Guide. Great Britain and Ireland.
20. Roger Quarm/ Scott Wilcox: Masters of the Sea. British Marine Watercolours.
21. Michael Rosenthal: British Landscape Painting.
22. Francis Spalding: British Art Since 1900.
23. Lawrence Stone: Sculpture in Britain. The Middle Ages.
24. Elis Waterhouse: Painting in Britain 1530 to 1790.
25. Elis Waterhouse: Painting in Britain 1530 to 1790.
26. F. L. Wilder: English Sporting Prints.
7. Chinese art
8. Dutch and Flemish/Belgian art
Mildred Friedman (ed.): De Stijl 1917-1931. Visions of Utopia.
R. H. Fuchs: Dutch Painting.
Bob Haak: The Golden Age. Dutch Painters of the Seventeenth Century.
Ellen Marie Magerøy: Hollandsk interiørmaleri i det 17. århundre.
Nikolai Nikulin: Netherlandish Paintings in Soviet Museums.
Phaidon Cultural Guide. Holland.
9. French art
Per Bjurström: The Art of Drawing in France 1400-1900.
Anthony Blunt: Art and Architecture in France 1500-1700.
Anthony Blunt: Art and Architecture in France 1500-1700.
Albert Boime: The Academy and French Painting in the Nineteenth Century.
Caroline Boyll-Turner: The Prints of the Pont- Avon School. Gauguin and his circle in Brittany.
T. J. Clark: The Painting of Modern Life. Paris in the Art of Manet and his Followers.
Philip Conisbee: Painting in Eighteenth-Century France.
Claire Frèches-Thory/ Antoine Terrasse: The Nabis. Bonnard, Vuillard and their Circle.
Agnès de Gouvion Saint-Cyr a. o.: 20th-Century French Photography.
Christopher Green: Cubism and its Enemies. Modern Movements and Reaction in French Art 1916-1928.
Elisabeth Hardouin-Fugier/ Etienne Grafe: French Flower Painters of the 19th Century. A Dictionary.
Robert L. Herbert: Impressionism. Art, Leisure, and the Parisian Society.
Billy Klüver/ Julie Martin: Kikiʼs Paris. Artists and Lovers 1900-1930.
John Milner: The Studios of Paris. The Capital of Art in the Late Nineteenth Century.
Charles S. Moffett: The New Painting. Impressionism 1874-1886.
Phaidon Cultural Guide. France.
Phaidon Cultural Guide. The Loire Valley.
Phaidon Cultural Guide. Provence and the Côte dʼAzur.
Denis Rouart: The Unknown Degas and Renoir. In the National Museum of Belgrade.
Kenneth E. Silver: Esprit de Corps. The Art of the Parisian Avant-Garde and the First World War, 1914-1925.
Marie Luise Syring: Kunst in Frankreich seit 1966.
10. German, Austrian and Swiss art
Peter Adam: The Arts of the Third Reich.
Klaus Backes: Hitler und die bildenden Künste. Kulturverständnis und Kunstpolitik im Dritten Reich.
Gerhard Bott a. o. (eds.): Gothic and Renaissance Art in Nuremberg 1300-1550.
Guido Boulboullé/ Michael Zeiss (eds.): Worpswede. Kulturgeschichte eines Künstlerdorfes.
Georg Brühl: Herwarth Walden und "Der Sturm".
Rainer Budde: Köln und seine Maler 1300-1500.
Wolf-Dieter Dube: The Expressionists.
Jens Christian Jensen: Malerei der Romantik in Deutschland.
Jens Christian Jensen: Aquarelle und Zeichnungen der deutschen Romantik.
Christos M. Joachimides/ Norman Rosenthal/ Wieland Schmied (eds.): German Art in the 20th Century. Painting and Sculpture 1905-1985.
Eckart Klessmann: Die deutsche Romantik.
Walter Koschatzky: Viennese Watercolors of the Nineteenth Century.
Kynaston McShine (ed.): Berlinart 1961-1987.
Reinhard Merker: Die bildenden Künste im Nationalsozialismus. Kulturideologie, Kulturpolitik, Kulturproduktion.
Magdalena Moeller: Der Blaue Reiter.
Jaroslav Pešina: German Painting of the 15th and 16th Centuries.
Phaidon Cultural Guide. Austria.
Phaidon Cultural Guide. Germany.
Phaidon Cultural Guide. Switzerland.
Nicolas Powell: The Sacred Spring. The Arts in Vienna 1898-1918.
Edmund Schilling: Deutsche Romantiker-Zeichnungen.
Karin Thomas: Zweimal deutsche Kunst nach 1945. 40 Jahre Nähe und Ferne.
Kirk Varnedoe: Vienna 1900. Art, Achitecture and Design.
Peter Vergo: Art in Vienna 1898-1918. Klimt, Kokoschka, Schiele and their contemporaries.
Paul Vogt: Expressionismus. Deutsche Malerei 1905 bis 1920.
Paul Vogt: Der Blaue Reiter.
Paul Vogt: Geschichte der deutschen Malerei im 20. Jahrhundert.
John Willett: The New Sobriety 1917-1933. Art and Politics in the Weimar Period.
John Willett: The Weimar Years. A Culture Cut Short.
11. Indian art
12. Italian art
Glenn Andres/ John M. Hunisak/ A. Richard Turner/ Takashi Okamura (photography): The Art of Florence. 2 vols.
James Bentley: A Guide to Tuscany.
Wolfgang Braunfels/ Eckart Peterich: Liten italiensk konsthistoria.
Norma Broude: The Macchiaioli. Italian Painters of the Nineteenth Century.
Jacob Burckhardt: The Altarpiece in Renaissance Italy.
S. J. Freedberg: Painting in Italy 1500-1600.
J. R. Hale (ed.): A Concise Encyclopaedia of the Italian Renaissance.
Frederick Hartt: History of Italian Renaissance Art. Painting, Sculpture, Architecture.
Phaidon Cultural Guide. Italy.
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Charles Seymour Jr.: Sculpture in Italy 1400-1500.
John Steer: Venetian Painting. A Concise History.
John White: Art and Architecture in Italy 1250-1400.
Rudolf Wittkower: Art and Architecture in Italy 1600-1750.
Heinrich Wölfflin: Classic Art. An Introduction to the Italian Renaissance.
13. Japanese art
Neil K. Davey: Netsuke. A comprehensive study based on the M. T. Hindson Collection.
Vadime Elisseeff/ Danielle Elisseeff: Art of Japan.
Jack Hillier: Japanese Prints and Drawings from the Vever Collection. 3 vols.
Robert Treat Paine/ Alexander Soper: The Art and Architecture of Japan.
Robert Treat Paine/ Alexander Soper: The Art and Architecture of Japan.
Joan Stanley-Baker: Japanese Art.
14. Russian art
Alan Bird: A History of Russian Painting.
Matthew Cullerne Bown: Art under Stalin.
Matthew Cullerne Bown: Contemporary Russian Art.
David Elliott: New Worlds. Russian Art and Society 1900-1937.
Camilla Gray: The Russian Experiment in Art 1863-1922.
Mikhail Guerman (introd.): Soviet Art 1920s - 1930s. From the Russian Museum, Leningrad.
George Heard Hamilton: The Art and Architecture of Russia.
George Heard Hamilton: The Art and Architecture of Russia.
Tamara Talbot Rice: Russian Icons.
Angelica Zander Rudenstine (ed.): Russian Avant-Garde Art. The George Costakis Collection.
Dmitri V. Sarabianov: Russian Art. From Neoclassicism to the Avant-Garde. Painting, Sculpture, Architecture.
M. N. Yablonskaya: Women Artists of Russiaʼs New Age 1900-1935.
15. Scandinavian art
Henning Alsvik/ Leif Østby/ Reidar Revold: Norges billedkunst i det nittende og tyvende århundre. 2 vols.
Jan Askeland: Profiler i norsk grafikk.
Gunnar Berefelt: Svensk landskapskonst. Från renässans till romantik.
Henrik Bramsen/ Peter Koch: Dansk tegnekunst.
Eivind S. Engelstad: Senmiddelalderens kunst i Norge, ca 1400-1535.
Jesper Engelstoft/ Leif Østby/ Åke Meyerson (eds.): Gyldendals leksikon over moderne nordisk kunst.
Kai Flor: Kvinden i dansk kunst.
Henning Gran/ Reidar Revold: Kvinneportretter i norsk malerkunst.
Henrik Grevenor: Silhouetter.
Paul Grøtvedt: For fulle seil.
Anders Hedvall: Bohuslän i konsten. Från Allaert van Everdingen till Carl Wilhelmson.
Folke Holmér: Stockholm sett av 1900-talets målare.
Folke Holmér/ Erik Lindegren/ Egon Östlund: Halmstadgruppen. Waldemar Lorentzon, Axel Olson, Erik Olson, Esaias Thorén, Sven Jonson, Stellan Mörner.
Gunnar Jungmarker (introd.): Naket. Svenska teckningar från tre sekler.
Neil Kent: The Triumph of Light and Nature. Nordic Art 1740-1940.
Gösta Lilja: Den första svenska modernismen.
Mereth Lindgren a. o.: Svensk konsthistoria.
Viggo Loos: Friluftsmåleriets genombrott i svensk konst 1860-1885.
Börje Magnusson/ Ulf Cederlöf/ Bo Lindwall/ Ragnar von Holten: Svenska teckningar. 4 vols.
Åke Nisbeth: Bildernas predikan. Medeltida kalkmålningar i Sverige.
Bengt Olvång: Våga se! Svensk konst 1945-1980.
Einar Østvedt: Telemark i norsk malerkunst.
Hanne Poulsen: Danske skibsportrætmalere.
Prisma (ed.): Bildkonsten i Norden. 5 vols.
Sixten Ringbom (ed.): Konsten i Finland. Från medeltid till nutid.
Harald Sallberg/ Gunnar Jungmarker (eds.): Svensk grafik från tre sekler. En översikt omfattande tiden från 1700-talets mitt till våra dagar.
Sven Sandström (ed.): Konsten i Sverige. 8 vols.
John Boulton Smith: The Golden Age of Finnish Art. Art Nouveau and the national spirit.
Kirk Varnedoe: Nordisk gullalderkunst.
Knud Voss: Guldaldermalerne og deres billeder på Statens Museum for Kunst.
Knud Voss: Skagensmalerne og deres billeder på Skagens Museum.
Marit Werenskiold: De norske Matisse-elevene. Læretid og gjennombrudd 1908-1914.
Anne Wichstrøm: Kvinner ved staffeliet. Kvinnelige malere i Norge før 1900.
Jan Zibrandtsen: Moderne dansk maleri.
16. Spanish and Portugese art
17. Thai and Southeast Asian art
18. Monographs on artists A-C
ADRIAN-NILSSON. Jan Torsten Ahlstrand: GAN. Gösta Adrian-Nilsson. Modernistpionjären från Lund 1884-1920.
ADULYASARAPHAN. Pimphan Hansrisakul/ Jack M. Clontz: Transcending Thai Surrealism. The Art of Somphong Adulyasaraphan.
ANCHER. Margrethe Loerges: Michael Ancher.
ANDREA DEL CASTAGNO. Marita Horster: Andrea del Castagno. Complete edition with a critical catalogue.
ANGELICO. Giulio Carlo Argan: Fra Angelico and his Times.
ARCIMBOLDO. Pontus Hultén (ed.): The Arcimboldo Effect. Transformations of the face from the 16th to the 20th century.
ASTRUP. Øystein Loge: Gartneren under regnbuen. Hjemstavnskunstneren Nikolai Astrup.
AUDUBON. Alice Ford: John James Audubon. A Biography.
AULIE. Johan Borgen: Reidar Aulie.
BACKER. Else Christie Kielland: Harriet Backer 1845-1932.
BACON. Dawn Ades/ Andrew Forge: Francis Bacon.
BACON. John Russell: Francis Bacon.
BAKST. Irina Pruzhan: Léon Bakst.
BALTHUS. Sabine Rewald: Balthus.
BATONI. Anthony M. Clark: Pompeo Batoni. A complete catalogue of his works.
BEARDSLEY. Simon Wilson: Beardsley.
BIRGER. Sixten Strömbom: Hugo Birger. En levnadsteckning.
BLAKE. Kathleen Raine: William Blake.
BLOCH. Richard Magnussen: Carl Bloch 1834-1890.
BONINGTON. Malcolm Cormack: Bonington.
BONNARD. Francis Bouvet: Bonnard. The Complete Graphic Works.
BONNARD. André Fermigier: Pierre Bonnard.
BONNARD. Antoine Terrasse: Pierre Bonnard. Illustrator. A Catalogue Raisonné.
BOSCH. Walter S. Gibson: Hieronymous Bosch.
BOSCH. Carl Linfert: Bosch.
BOTERO. Pierre Restany: Botero.
BOTTICELLI. Ronald Lightbown: Sandro Botticelli. Life and Work.
BOUCHER. Georges Brunel: Boucher.
BOUCHER. Pierre Rosenberg a. o.: Francois Boucher 1703-1770.
BOUDIN. Jean Selz: Boudin.
BRANCUSI. Friedrich Teja Bach: Constantin Brancusi. Metamorphosen plastischer Form.
BRANCUSI. Radu Varia: Brancusi.
BRAQUE. Raymond Cogniat: Braque.
BRUEGHEL. Fritz Baumgart: Blumen-Brueghel.
BRUEGHEL. Klaus Ertz: Jan Brueghel.
BRUEGHEL. Wolfgang Stechow: Bruegel.
BURRA. Andrew Causey: Edward Burra. Complete Catalogue.
CANALETTO. W. G. Constable: Canaletto. Giovanni Antonio Canal 1697-1768. 2 vols.
CANALETTO. J. G. Links: Canaletto.
CARAVAGGIO. Howard Hibbard: Caravaggio.
CARAVAGGIO. Alfred Moir: Caravaggio.
CARR. Doris Shadbolt: The Art of Emily Carr.
CASSATT. Nancy Mowll Mathews: Mary Cassatt.
CEDERSTRÖM. Axel L. Romdahl: Gustaf Cederström.
CELLINI. Charles Hope/ Alessandro Nova (eds.): The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini.
CEZANNE. Henri Lallemand: Cézanne, Visions of a Great Painter.
CEZANNE. John Rewald: Cézanne. A Biography.
CEZANNE. John Rewald: Paul Cézanne.
CEZANNE. Meyer Shapiro: Cézanne.
CHAGALL. Aleksandr Kamensky: Chagall. The Russian Years, 1907-1922.
CHARDIN. Philip Conisbee: Chardin.
CLAUDE. Helen Langdon: Claude Lorrain.
COCTEAU. Arthur King Peters: Jean Cocteau and his World. An Illustrated Biography.
COLLETT. Arne Stenseng: Frederik Collett.
CONSTABLE. Malcolm Cormack: Constable.
CONSTABLE. Michael Rosenthal: Constable.
CONSTABLE. John Walker: Constable.
COROT. Madeleine Hours: Corot.
COROT. Yvon Taillandier: Corot.
COWARD. Sheridan Morley: Out in the Midday Sun. The Paintings of Noël Coward.
CRANACH. Max J. Friedländer/ Jakob Rosenberg: The Paintings of Lucas Cranach. Revised edition.
19. Monographs on artists D-F
DAHL. Andreas Aubert: Maleren Johan Christian Dahl. Et Stykke av forrige Aarhundredes Kunst- og Kulturhistorie.
DAHL. Marie Lødrup Bang: Johan Christian Dahl 1788-1857. Life and Works. 3 vols.
DAHL. Leif Østby: Johan Christian Dahl. Tegninger og akvareller.
DALI. Dawn Ades: Salvador Dali.
DALI. Salvador Dali: Diary of a Genius.
DALI. Robert Descharnes: Salvador Dali. The Work. The Man.
DALSGAARD. Knud Söeborg: Christen Dalsgaard og hans Kunst.
DARDEL. Karl Asplund: Nils Dardel. 2 vols.
DAVID. Luc de Nanteuil: David.
DAVIS. Karen Wilkin: Stuart Davis.
DEFREGGER. Adolf Rosenberg: Defregger.
DEGAS. Jean Adhémar/ Francoise Cachin: Degas. The Complete Etchings, Lithographs and Monotypes.
DEGAS. Götz Adriani: Degas. Pastels, Oil Sketches and Drawings.
DEGAS. Pierre Cabanne: Edgar Degas.
DEGAS. Daniel Catton Rich: Degas.
DEGAS. Daniel Catton Rich: Degas.
DEGAS. Denys Sutton: Edgar Degas. Life and Work.
DE KOONING. Paul Cummings/ Jörn Merkert/ Claire Stoullig: Willem de Kooning. Drawings, Paintings, Sculpture.
DE KOONING. Diane Waldman: Willem de Kooning.
DE LEMPICKA. Baroness Kizette de Lempicka-Foxhall (as told to Charles Phillips): Passion by Design. The Art and Times of Tamara de Lempicka.
DEMUTH. Barbara Haskell: Charles Demuth.
DERAIN. Gaston Diehl: Derain.
DERAIN. Jane Lee: Derain.
DÖDERHULTARN. Gunnar Jungmarker: Döderhultarn. Axel Pettersson 1868-1925.
DONATELLO. Bonnie A. Bennett/ David G. Wilkins: Donatello.
DONGEN. Gaston Diehl: Van Dongen.
DREYER. Leo Swane: Dankvart Dreyer 1816-1852.
DUBUFFET. Mildred Glimcher (essay)/ Jean Dubuffet: Jean Dubuffet. Towards an Alternative Reality.
DUCCIO. John White: Duccio. Tuscan Art and the Medieval Workshop.
DUCHAMP. Alexandrian: Marcel Duchamp.
DUCHAMP. Gloria Moure: Marcel Duchamp.
DUFY. Alfred Werner: Dufy.
DUNOYER DE SEGONZAC. Anne Distel: Dunoyer de Segonzac.
DÜRER. Max J. Friedländer: Albrecht Dürer.
DÜRER. H. Th. Musper: Albrecht Dürer.
DYCK. Christopher Brown: Van Dyck.
DYCK. Arthur K. Wheelock, Jr. a. o.: Van Dyck Paintings.
EAKINS. William Innes Homer: Thomas Eakins. His Life and Art.
EDELFELT. Bertel Hintze: Albert Edelfelt. 1-3.
EHRENSTRAHL. Axel Sjöblom: Ehrenstrahl.
ENSOR. Jacques Janssens: Ensor.
EPSTEIN. Evelyn Silber: The Sculpture of Epstein. With a Complete Catalogue.
ERNST. Gaston Diehl: Max Ernst.
ESTES. Louis K. Meisel: Richard Estes. The Complete Paintings 1966-1985.
EUGEN. Georg Pauli: Eugen. Målarprinsen.
EYCK. Robert Hughes/ Giorgio T. Faggin: The Complete Paintings of the van Eycks.
FABRITIUS. Christopher Brown: Carel Fabritius. Complete Edition. With a Catalogue Raisonné.
FEARNLEY. Sigurd Willoch: Maleren Thomas Fearnley.
FEARNLEY. Sigurd Willoch/ Henning Alsvik: Thomas Fearnleys tegninger fra reiser ute og hjemme 1824-1840.
FISCHER. Steffen Linvald: Paul Fischer. Københavnernes maler.
FJELL. Pola Gauguin: Kai Fjell.
FLAXMAN. David Bindman (ed.): John Flaxman.
FLINTOE. Henning Alsvik: Johannes Flintoe.
FRAGONARD. Pierre Rosenberg: Fragonard.
FREUD. Lawrence Gowing: Lucian Freud.
FREUD. Lawrence Gowing: Lucian Freud.
FRIEDRICH. Jens Christian Jensen: Caspar David Friedrich. Leben und Werk.
FRIEDRICH. Wieland Schmied: Caspar David Friedrich.
FRØLICH. F. Hendriksen (ed.): Lorenz Frølich. 1820 - 25. Oktober - 1920.
20. Monographs on artists G-I
GABO. Steven Nash/ Jörn Merkert (eds.): Naum Gabo. Sixty Years of Constuctivism.
GAINSBOROUGH. John Hayes: The Landscape Paintings of Thomas Gainsborough. A critical text and catalogue raisonné. 2 vols.
GAINSBOROUGH. William Vaughan: Gainsborough.
GALLEN-KALLELA. Timo Martin/ Douglas Sivén: Akseli Gallen-Kallela. National Artist of Finland.
GAUGUIN. Robert Goldwater: Gauguin.
GAUGUIN. Michel Hoog: Paul Gauguin. Life and Work.
GAUGUIN. Yann Le Pichon: Gauguin. Life, Art, Inspiration.
GAUGUIN. Belinda Thomsen: Gauguin.
GEROME. Gerald M. Ackerman: The Life and Work of Jean-Léon Gérôme. With a Catalogue Raisonné.
GIACOMETTI. Yves Bonnefoy: Giacometti. A Biography of his Work.
GIAMBOLOGNA. Charles Avery/ David Finn (photography): Giambologna. The Complete Sculpture.
GOGH. Judith Bumpus: Van Goghʼs Flowers.
GOGH. Pierre Cabanne: Van Gogh.
GOGH. Melissa McQuillan: Van Gogh.
GOGH. Ronald Pickvance: Van Gogh in Saint-Rémy and Auvers.
GOGH. Meyer Shapiro: Van Gogh.
GOGH. Evert van Uitert/ Louis van Tilborgh/ Sjraar van Heugten/ Johannes van der Wolk/ Ronald Pickvance/ E. B. Pey/ Queen of the Netherlands (foreword): Vincent van Gogh. Paintings. Drawings.
GOGH. Bernard Zurcher: Vincent van Gogh. Art, Life, and Letters.
GORKY. Melvin P. Lader: Archile Gorky.
GORKY. Diane Waldman: Archile Gorky 1904-1948. A Retrospective.
GOTTSCHALK. Troels Andersen: Albert Gottschalk 1866-1906.
GOYA. Benno Fleischmann: Francisco Goya.
GOYA. Pierre Gassier: The Drawings of Goya. The Sketches, Studies and Individual Drawings.
GOYA. José Gudiol: Goya.
GOYA. Gwyn A. Williams: Goya and the Impossible Revolution.
GRECO. Leo Bronstein: El Greco.
GRECO. Ludwig Goldscheider (introd.): El Greco. Gemälde.
GRIMSHAW. Alexander Robertson: Atkinson Grimshaw.
GRIS. Juan Antonio Gaya Nuño: Juan Gris.
GROSZ. Uwe M. Schneede: George Grosz.
GRÜNEWALD. J. P. Hodin: Isaac Grünewald.
GUDE. L. Dietrichson (Indledning): Af Hans Gudes Liv og Værker. Kunstnerens Livserindringer Udgivne og Forsynede med en Biografisk Indledning.
GUSTON. Robert Storr: Philip Guston.
HAELWEGH. Jørgen Sthyr: Kobberstikkeren Albert Haelwegh.
HALS. H. P. Baard: Frans Hals.
HANSEN. Emil Hannover: Maleren Constantin Hansen. En Studie i Dansk Kun